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Week 26 - 2023

Rob Martin

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Thruster 10-8-6-4-2

EMOM x 20

Min 1 - 15/12 Calorie row

Min 2 - 7 Thrusters 42.5/30kg + 7 Box Jumps 24/20”

Min 3 - 7 Chest to bar pull ups + 7 Burpees

Min 4 - Rest


3 rounds

400m run

10 Toes to bar

20 Kettle bell swings 24/16kg

30 Alt Lunges 24/16kg

Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2

Handstand push up 5 x 5-10


Mikko Triangle intervals

3 Rounds

3 sets of

Min 1 - Bike

Min 2 - Row

Min 3 - Ski

Min 4 - Rest

Rest an extra 2 minutes after the last set


A1) Incline Bench press 10-8-6-6-6

A2) Gorilla Row 5x16

With a single Dumb-bell


Hang clean (Right arm / Left arm)

Push Press (Right arm / Left arm)

Snatch (Right arm / Left arm)


Bar Muscle up practice

4 rounds

1 minute at each station

# Wall balls

# Sit ups

# Box Jump overs 24/20

# Ski

# Rest


In teams of 2-3 100 Calorie row

100 Deadlifts 60/40kg 80 Calorie row

80 Hang power cleans 60/40kg

60 Calorie row 60 Front squats 60/40kg 40 Calorie row 40 Push jerks 60/40kg 20 Calorie row 20 Clusters 60/40kg



4 minute AMRAP

400m run

Max ski

Rest 1 minute

4 minute AMRAP

400m run

Max Sled Push

Rest 1 minute

4 minute AMRAP

400m run

Max Burpees

Rest 1 minute

4 minute AMRAP

400m run

Max wall balls


A) Back rack Lunge 4 x 8/8

B1) Seated barbell press 5 x 8-10

B2) Chin ups 5 x 6-8

15 Strict press 20/15kg

20 Russian swings

25 Sit ups

30 Air squats


Mikko Triangle intervals

3 Rounds

3 sets of

Min 1 - Bike

Min 2 - Row

Min 3 - Ski

Min 4 - Rest

Rest an extra 2 minutes after the last set


5 Rounds

45 seconds work / 45 seconds rest

Dumb-bell bench press

T- Bar row

Cyclist squat

Russian swing

4 sets

20 Tricep push downs

20 Bicep curls

20 Lateral raises


Every 8 minutes x 5

500/400m Row

400m run

30/24 Calorie bike

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