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Week 30 - 2023

Rob Martin


A1) Cyclist squat 10-10-8-8-6-6

A2) Dumb-bell RDL 5x10

3 Rounds

2 minute AMRAP

10 toes to rings

10 DB hang clean & Press

Calorie ski

2 minute rest

2 minute AMRAP

10 Burpees over the line

20 Lunges

Calorie Row

2 minutes rest


A1) Bench press 10-10-8-8-6-6

A2) Bent over row 5 x 10

In teams of 3

9 minute AMRAP

Hand over hand sled pull +

10 Push ups

Rest 3 minutes

9 minute AMRAP

Burpee box jump overs


Mikko’s Triangle

10 Rounds

Min 1 - Bike

Min 2 - Row

Min 3 - Ski

Min 4 - Rest


EMOM x 10

Snatch High pull +

Hang Power snatch +

Overhead squat


4 rounds

Alternate between A&B

3 minutes Work

1 minute Rest

A) 400m run

Max Kettlebell swings 24/16kg

B) 400m run

Max Wall climbs


Box squat


EMOM x 20

Min 1 - 5 bar muscle ups

Min 2 - 50 Double unders

Min 3 - 5 Clean & Jerk

Min 4 - 10 Deck squats


In teams of 3

800m farmers carry 32/20kg

120 Thrusters 42.5/30 kg

120/90 Calorie ski

90 Pull ups

120/90 calorie row

90 burpees over the bar

120/90 Calorie bike

800m farmers carry 32/20kg



EMOM x 35

Min 1 - 10-15 Calorie Ski

Min 2 - 15-20 Wall balls

Min 3 - 10-15 Calorie row

Min 4 - 200m Run

Min 5 - Rest


EMOM x 32

1) 10 Dumb-bell bench press

2) 10 Back squat

3) 10 Deadlift

4) Rest


Mikko’s Triangle

10 Rounds

Min 1 - Bike

Min 2 - Row

Min 3 - Ski

Min 4 - Rest


A1) Push Press 10-8-6-6-6

A2) Pull ups 5x 5-10

B1) Bulgarian Split squat 4x8/8

B2) Single arm Dumb-bell row 4 x12/12

5 x 25m sled push


7 minute AMRAP

Ski erg (change every 30 sec)

Rest 3 minutes

Sled Push (change every 12.5m)

Rest 3 minutes

7 minute AMRAP

Sled pull (change every 12.5m)

Rest 3 minutes

7 minute AMRAP

Burpee broad jump (change every 12.5m)

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