5 week block of Programming
Monday -
Strength: Bulgarian split squat /Single arm Row
Incline DB press / Hanging Leg raise
Kettlebell Finisher
Tuesday -
Strength: Macho Man Complex
3 Power cleans + 3 Front Squat + 3 Push Jerk
Macho Man EMOM
Wednesday -
Conditioning day
Ski, Row, Bike Intervals
Wednesday the 28th Engine test
The Burn
10 minutes on each machine for max Calories
Thursday -
Strength: Strict Pull ups
Mix model intervals
Friday -
Strength: Back squat - Strict press - Deadlift
Friday the 30th of August
CrossFit total
1 RM Back squat - Strict press - Deadlift
Saturday -
Team Workout
For full workout details down load the app
Monday -
Hyrox Intervals
Tuesday -
Full body Strength:
Wednesday -
Conditioning day
Ski, Row, Bike Intervals
Wednesday the 28th Engine test
The Burn
10 minutes on each machine for max Calories
Thursday -
Full body Strength:
Friday -
Hyrox intervals
For full workout details down load the app
Fridays at 18:30 we will be adding a weightlifting session
