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Week 44 - 2023

Rob Martin


Thruster 10-8-6-4-2

Every 6 minutes x 4

9 Thrusters 50/35kg

15 Bar facing burpees

21/16 Calorie row


4 sets

12 - Dumb-bell bench press

8 - Ring row

20 Minutes

25 Russian swings

20 Alt reverse lunges

10 Push ups

3/3 Turkish get ups


3 Rounds

2 minutes at each station

1 - Ski

2 - Sled push

3 - Hang + Plank (hang for 50 seconds then hold a plank)

4 - Bike

5 - Sand bag carry


Bar Muscle up practice

800m run

50 Wall balls

25 Hang clean & Jerk 50/35kg

50 Wall balls

800m run


EMOM x 10

Snatch High pull +

Low hang power snatch +

Overhead squat

EMOM x 15

Min 1 - 12 Toes to bar

Min 2 - 14 Alt Dumb-bell snatch 22.5/15kg

Min 3 - 15/12 Calorie Bike


Tour of son Bugadellas

In teams of 2

30 minute AMRAP 100/80 Calorie Echo bike 800m Farmers Carry 24/16kg 100/80 Calorie Echo bike 800m Sandbag Carry

50/30kg Max Calorie bike



5 Rounds

3 minute AMRAP

20/15 calorie row

200m run

AMRAP Box step ups

Rest 1 minute

3 minute AMRAP

20/15 calorie bike

200m run

AMRAP Wall balls

Rest 1 Minute


EMOM x 32

1) 10 Dumb-bell bench press

2) 5 Chin ups

3) 5 Back squats

4) 10 Russian swings


3 Rounds

2 minutes at each station

1 - Ski

2 - Sled push

3 - Hang + Plank (hang for 50 seconds then hold a plank)

4 - Bike

5 - Sand bag carry


A1) Seated strict press 10-8-6-6-6

A2) chin ups ups 5x 5-10

B1) Bulgarian Split squat 4x8/8

B2) Single arm Dumb-bell row 4 x12/12


10 minute AMRAP

15 A-Jumps

15 Calorie Ski

Rest 3 minutes

10 minute AMRAP

15 Plate ground to overhead

15 Calorie row

Rest 3 minutes

10 minute AMRAP

15 Wall balls

15 Calorie bike

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