Saturday the 16th of December we will be having a Christmas competition in the Gym, Staring at 10:00 am followed by our Christmas dinner at the Olive Tree if you interested in joining either event please put your name on the board in the gym or ask one of the coaches for more information.
Pause Front squat 3-3-3-3-3
Every 3 minutes x 5
12/9 Calorie Echo bike
9 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
6 Bar Facing burpees
A1) Bench press 6-6-4-4-2-2
A2) Strict pull up 5 x 5-10
15 minute AMRAP
10 Toes to bar
20 Push ups
30 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
400m run
50 Double unders
3 Rounds
9 minute AMRAP
1000/900m Echo bike
500/450m Row
500/450m Ski
400m run
AMRAP Wall balls
Rest 3 minute
Power Snatch + Overhead squat
3 x 3+1 - 3 x 2+1 - 3 x 1+1
Every 6 minutes x 4
9 Power snatch 50/35kg
12 Handstand push ups
15/12 Calorie Echo bike
Turkish get up
EMOM x 20
Min 1 - Wall balls
Min 2 - Burpees
Min 3 - Ski
Min 4 -Rest
In teams of 2
30 minute AMRAP
2000m row buy in
20 Burpee box jumps 24/20"
30 Wall balls
400m row
In teams of 3
9 minute AMRAP
Sled push (change every 12.5m)
Rest 2 minutes
9 minute AMRAP
Burpee box Jump over (change every 30 seconds)
Rest 2 minutes
9 minute AMRAP
Ski (change every 30 seconds)
A1) Cyclist squat 5 x 8-10
A2) DB RDL 5x8-10
B1) Floor Press 5 x 8-10
B2) Chest Supported row 8-10
3 rounds
15 Tricep push downs
15 Bicep curls
15 Lateral raises
3 Rounds
9 minute AMRAP
1000/900m Echo bike
500/450m Row
500/450m Ski
400m run
AMRAP Wall balls
Rest 3 minute
A1) Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
A2) Chin up 5x 5-8
B) Alternating reverse lunge 5 x 16
EMOM x 10
Min 1 - 10 Russian Swings
Min 2 - 10 Box Jumps
8 minute AMRAP
800m run
Max ski
2 minutes rest
8 minute AMRAP
800m run
Sled rope pull
2 minutes rest
8 minute AMRAP
800m run
Max lunges
2 minutes rest
8 minute AMRAP
800m run
Max echo bike