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Week 6 -2023

Rob Martin

The 2023 CrossFit open starts on the 16th of February.

A workout will be released each Thursday for 3 weeks and you have until the following Monday to complete the workout and submit your score. Each workout will have 3 levels Rx, Scaled and foundation and for each workout you can select the level which suits your ability. We will be running the open workouts on Fridays from 16:30 onwards

to find out more information and sign up click the button.


EMOM x 10

3 Hang Power snatch

Back squat

4 x 5 50X0 (one set every 3 minutes)

3 sets

8 Good mornings

6/6 weighted step ups


Every 3 minutes x 5

5-10 Dips

5-10 Chin ups

4 sets

Floor press 6-8 reps

Chest supported row 8-12

3 Sets

15 tricep push downs

12 Hammer curls


5 Rounds

2 Minute Row

2 Minute Skipping

2 minute Ski


Hang squat clean 3-3-3-3-3

EMOM x 15

Min 1 - 10-15 Thrusters (45/30kg)

Min 2 - 10-15 Toes to bar

Min 3 - 10-15 Calorie Echo bike

Min 4 - 10-15 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg

Min 5 - 10-15 Burpees


Bar Muscle up practice

Every 4 minutes x 4

400m Run

12 Power Snatch

8 Pull ups


In teams of 3

9 minute AMRAP

Sled push (change every 12.5m)

3 minute Rest

9 minute AMRAP

DB Hang clean and press (change every 8 reps)

3 minutes Rest

9 minute AMRAP

Burpee Box Jump over (change every 7)



3 Rounds

Every 3 minutes perform one round

Round 1 - 30/24 Cal bike

Round 2 - 400m Run

Round 3 - 30/24 Cal ski

Round 4 - 25 Wall balls 25 Russian swings


5 Rounds

2 Minute Row

2 Minute Skipping

2 minute Ski


3 Rounds

3 minute AMRAP 400m run Max Burpees Rest 1 minute 3 minute AMRAP 500/400m row Max Wall Balls Rest 1 minute 3 minute AMRAP 500/400m Ski Max Farmer Carry Rest 1 minute





Clean & Jerk

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